Imagine that you have just graduated from college, with a degree in business, and you decide to start your own business. Before you make any money, you have to come up with substantial amounts of money to even get it off the ground. You have to buy land, if a building is necessary, furniture, equipment, computers, utilities, you name it. This is all capital that you will use and need to start your business. It is very expensive to say the least.
If you are like most entrepreneurs, you will not have the money to cover this type of capital out of pocket. If you do not have substantial savings, chances are, you will have to obtain the funds you need from other sources, say, a bank maybe$%: I hope your credit is up to par for the amount of money you will need. Let's step up to proven money-makers. Imagine that you think you'd like to open up a McDonald's franchise. Try needing some $5 Million dollars just to START. How about a Wendy's$%: Try needing some $2.5 Million to even think about it! Even if you are going the lower and riskier routes of staring your own business, chances are that you are going to need tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to get something going.
A home business of the internet variety changes all that. Firstly, you do not need a college degree or to be able to hire people with college degrees. You will still need capital to get your business started, such as a computer. That would be nice to have since your business is over the internet. You'll need internet access, a home to do the business from, utilities to make the computer work, educational capital to teach yourself the things you want to learn like how to market online. Sure, you will have expenses such as these but they are all much lower compared to starting other businesses. Much of the expenses, you probably already incur and you haven't even gotten started online yet. Expenses like your home, utilities, and internet access, you are already paying for. You folks reading this article will already be paying for these things every month and you haven't even started. You've already got most of your starting capital in place and you didn't even know it.
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You will need to educate yourself about marketing over the internet. This can be done for free. You do have to learn how to sell things, right$%: That's how you'll make your money. But it is really about more than selling. It is about establishing and building relationships with your potential and future customers. This relationship plus selling them goods and services equals marketing. Since you are doing this over the internet, it is called Internet Marketing.
You will not need additional thousands of dollars to get started because you can now start with less that $1,000 or even $500, and, heavens to Betsy, you can even start with NOTHING! That's what makes this one of the greatest businesses in the world to start. You could come up with the capital you need out of your own pocket without getting a big, fancy bank loan and without needing stellar credit to get it. Next, invest in a little education, which is basically an investment in yourself (why would you not do this$%:), and you are ready to go!
There is no other business where the costs are so little yet the potential for gains are so great! Welcome to the world of Internet Marketing.